lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

3th ESO. Theory part. 1st Evaluation. IESO Ribera del Cega.

3th ESO Theory part.

1. Vocabulary:

Physical condition:

Push-ups = flexiones de brazos
Sit-ups = abdominales
Pace = ritmo de carrera
Heart rate = frecuencia cardíaca
Workout = entrenamiento


Shuttlecock/ birdie = volante
Drive = derecha
Backhand = revés
Lob = globo
Drop = dejada
Smash = remate

2. Concepts:

Physical condition and health: Maximum state of physical and mental well-being that allows 
to perform daily activities with energy.
Factors influencing the physical condition: Aerobic resistance, aerobic power, speed, 
strength-resistance, resistance to speed, flexibility and muscular elasticity.
Definition of each quality and specific tests for its evaluation:
Aerobic resistance: Ability to maintain a moderate intensity of effort as long as possible. 
Race test at a continuous pace (determined number of laps), try to achieve the same times, 
adapting them to the individual level.
Aerobic power: Ability to maintain a high intensity as long as possible over a given distance 
under aerobic conditions (2-10 minutes). 
Speed: Running a short distance at maximum intensity in the shortest possible time. 
Strength: Perform as many repetitions as possible in a test where maximum strength and 
maximum intensity are required. 
Endurance to speed: Ability to perform repeated efforts at maximum intensity and with rest 
without loss of intensity. 
Flexibility and muscular elasticity: Maximum elongation capacity of a muscle, and ability 
to return to its initial state. 

3. Big muscles group:

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