miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

1st Evaluation job. 1st ESO. IESO Ribera del Cega.

1st evaluation job. 1st ESO

Name of the student:

1. Appointment 3 safety rules when practicing physical activity:

2.Appointment 3 exercises that you would do in a warm up (In class):

3. Explain the movements of five muscles in your body and relate with some sport:

Muscle and movement

4. Read and complete about the tips by increase your endurance in his link:
- Point 1: What is the most important to beginners?

- Point 2: Explain the tip of Yasso:

- Point 3: What did Arbogast say about the effort?

- Point 4: What is the secret of Pierce?

- Point 5: How did Noble get to run below three hours?

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