miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

1st ESO. 1st Evaluation. Theory part. IESO Ribera del Cega

Theory part. 1st evaluation. 1st ESO

1. Concepts:

Endurance(Stamina) The capacity to keep the physical and/or mental strength doing an effort the maximum time without reduce the intensity.

Strength:The capacity to overcome or opposite external loads.The maximum amount of force that a muscle or muscle group can exert during a single contraction.

Flexibility is defined as the range of motion of your joints or the ability of your joints to move freely

Speed: The capacity to run a short distance in the mínimum time without losing intensity.

Agility: The ability to change the position of the body quickly and accurately.

Heart rate zones:
-Maximun: 220 – age.
-Healthy zone = Less than 75% of the maximun.
-Minimun to produce some adaptación: 60% of the maximun.

2. Vocabulary:


-Volante: Birdie. -Raqueta: Racquet
-Campo: Court. -Red: Net.
-Línea de fondo: Baseline. -Lineas de banda: Sidelines.
-Golpes: Strikes. -Remate: Smash. -Golpe profundo: Clear. -Remate en la red: Kill shot.
-Dejada: Drop shot -Globo: Lob. -Derecha: Drive. Revés: Backhand.
-Peloteo o duración de un punto: Rally.

Gymnastic skills:

-Voltereta: Somersaul -Equilibrio invertido: Handstand. -Rueda lateral: Side Wheel.

-Voltereta circense: Circus somersault. -Voltereta con fase aérea: Flig flag.

3. Safety rules in physical activity:

Warm up exercises and stretching (both to prevent injuries and to prepare the body for the effort), 
perfect hygiene conditions, minimum safety standards of clothing (rings, bracelets, hair collected, 
short nails), adapt to the temperature, adapt the effort according to my possibilities.

4. Big muscles groups:

Trapezius, face muscles, deltoids, pectoralis major, triceps brachii, biceps, latissimus dorsi, lumbar, rectus abdominis, external oblique, buttocks, harmstrings, adductor muscles, quadriceps, gastrognemius, achilles tendon.

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