martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

2nd ESO Physical Education. Job. First Evaluation
1. Mention at least five healthy habits before, during and after the exercise (lesson 1):




2. Mention the two parts of warm-up (lesson 2)  _____________ and _______________
3. Why is important the heart rate when you are working aerobic endurance? (lesson 3)

4. Explain the test that you have done in class to evaluate your endurance:
a) Aims: 

b) Development:

c) Conclusion:

5. Explain the movements of five muscles in your body and relate with some sport: (lesson 4)
Muscle and movement

6. Find out information about voley-ball in this link:
a) Year of creation.

b) Person who invented it.

c) Year in which three hits were instituted.

d) Year of creation of Federation International of Volley ball.

e) California beach volley association was created in...

7. Read and complete about the tips by increase your endurance in his link:
- Point 1: What is the most important to beginners?

- Point 2: Explain the tip of Yasso:

- Point 3: What did Arbogast say about the effort?

- Point 4: What is the secret of Pierce?

- Point 6: How did Noble get to run below three hours?