1. Basic rules of Hockey.
1.1 It is an outdoor game played between two teams of 11 playera who use long curved sticks to hit a small ball and try to score goals.
1.2 There are two parts, each one of 35 minutes.
1.3 The necessary equipment is the stick and the ball.
1.4 It can be a maximum of 18 players in each time but only 11 are playing, sustitutions can be made.
1.5 The objetive is to score more goals than the opponent team.
1.6 There are yellow and red cards.
1.7 To score a goal the player has to shoot the ball inside the goal.
1.8 The penalty-stroke is a bigger sanction the player shoot the ball from a point of inside of the area
1.9 There are three types of faults:- Short Corner – Obstruction - Dangerous Play.
2. Concepts:
Endurance: (Stamina) The capacity to keep the physical and/or mental strength to keep an effort the maximum time without reduce the intensity.
Strength: The capacity to overcome or opposite external loads. The maximum amount of force that a muscle or muscle group can exert during a single contraction.
Flexibility is defined as the range of motion of your joints or the ability of your joints to move freely
Speed: The capacity to run a short distance in the mínimum time without losing intensity.
Agility: The ability to change the position of the body quickly and accurately.
Heart rate zones:
-Maximun: 220 – age.
-Healthy zone = Less than 75% of the maximun.
- Minimun to produce some adaptación: 60% of the maximun.
3. Practise:
Stamina (endurance): Course Navette: Test to measure the maximum aerobic power. If you get a good mark, you will good by running long distances.
Flexibility: Flexibility box test: Test to measure the general flexibility sitting down on the floor streching and all the body without bend the knees.
Speed test: 6x9 metres = 54 metres.
Endurance – speed test. Mader test. 10 sprints at the maximum speed
Strength – endurance test: Sit ups in 30 seconds. Long jump. Push ups.
Agility test: 4 sprints to catch and let something.
Physical condition and health: Maximum state of physical and mental well-being that allows to
perform daily activities with energy.
Factors influencing the physical condition: Aerobic resistance, aerobic power, speed,
strength-resistance, resistance to speed, flexibility and muscular elasticity.
4. Definition of each quality and specific tests for its evaluation:
Aerobic resistance: Ability to maintain a moderate intensity of effort as long as possible.
Race test at a continuous pace (determined number of laps), try to achieve the same times,
adapting them to the individual level.
Aerobic power: Ability to maintain a high intensity as long as possible over a given distance under
aerobic conditions (2-10 minutes). Course navette test: Running a distance of 20 meters increasing
the intensity every minute.
Speed: Running a short distance at maximum intensity in the shortest possible time.
Eurofit battery tests: 5×10 meters, sprint.
Strength: Perform as many repetitions as possible in a test where maximum strength and
maximum intensity are required. Eurofit battery: sit-ups in 30 seconds, push-ups (Maximun).
Endurance to speed: Ability to perform repeated efforts at maximum intensity and with rest
without loss of intensity. 10 sprints test: Perform 10 sprints of 30 meters with maximum intensity with one minute of rest,
the difference between the slowest and the fastest must be the lowest possible.
Flexibility and muscular elasticity: Maximum elongation capacity of a muscle, and ability
to return to its initial state. Test: Body flexion test.
4. Methods:
1. Strength (4 series 10 repetitions, circuit training) 2. Endurance (interval/continual training)
3. Speed (short series maximum level) 4. Flexibility (FNP/ Stretching)
5. Big muscles groups:
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