part 1. First aid. Concepts
1. First aid, importance: Having basic notions of first aid can be very interesting, because throughout your life, on more than one occasion you will surely find yourself in a situation that requires your action. That is why it is so important to know what first aid and mistakes are that you should not commit in frequent situations. 2. Objective of first aid: The objective is to provide first aid before the emergency services arrive or to transfer the person to a health center. It can be of vital importance in severe cases, such as choking or heart failure because time is of the essence.
First Aid Techniques: If
you are not sure that you are doing things right in front of an
accident victim, it is better to wait and let the toilets act, moving
the person away from the danger and ensuring that they are
comfortable until they arrive. The notions about basic techniques of
how to act before a burn, before a wound or cut, before a fracture,
or before a fainting or cardiac arrest could save many situations and
many lives.
First aid accident. When
you witness an accident, do not move the victim and if you wear a
helmet do not take it off. You could aggravate a possible spinal
injury. Keep it in mind and notify emergencies. If the person has
suffered a fainting, check that he breathes and has a pulse before
acting. If you suspect that he has suffered a heat stroke, put him in
the shade and also check his vital signs. If you keep your constants
place it on your side. If this is not the case, CPR (cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation) would be necessary.
5. Contusions and fractures: types and actions: • Contusion 1. Apply local cold, without direct contact with the skin (wrapped in a cloth). 2. If it affects a limb, lift it. 3. In intense crushing, the affected area should be immobilized, as if it were a bone lesion. • Sprain 1. Apply local cold. 2. Lift the affected limb and keep it at rest. 3. Do not move the affected joint. • Luxation 1. Apply local cold. 2. Leave the joint as the limb is. Do not mobilize. • Closed fracture 1. Apply local cold. 2. Do not touch the limb. Leave it at rest. • Open fracture 1. Do not introduce the bone inside the limb. 2. Cover the wound with sterile gauze or clean cloths, preferably moistened. 3. Apply local cold.
4. Do not touch the limb. Leave it at rest.
Basic steps to AAA (Assess, alert and attend)
the victim for unresponsiveness
the person is not responsive and not breathing or not breathing
normally. Call 911 and return to the victim. If possible bring the
phone next to the person and place on speaker mode. In most locations
the emergency dispatcher can assist you with CPR instructions.
the victim is still not breathing normally, or moving, begin chest
compressions. Push
in the center of the chest 2-2.4 inches 30 times. Pump hard and fast
at the rate of 100-120/minute, faster than once per second.
the head back and lift the chin. Pinch nose and cover the mouth with
yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths. Each
breath should take 1 second. 30 Pumps, 2 breaths.
part 2: Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
caloric consumption.
calculate the calories you spend during an exercise, the metabolic
unit called MET (metabolic
equivalent of task)
metabolic equivalents needed to measure
the activity is used.
(metabolic equivalent of the task) is the unit of measurement of the
metabolic index. To help us in the calculation of our energy
at rest and in activity.
minute = MET x 0.0175 x weight (kg)
2. Basal metabolic rate: The kilocalories that I use in a day to keep the vital functions. RMB:
2. Basal metabolic rate: The kilocalories that I use in a day to keep the vital functions. RMB:
Men = 66,473 + [13,752 x weight in kg] + [5,0033 x height cm] -
[6,755 x age] = _______________ daily kilocalories.
Women: Women = 650,955 + [9,463 x weight in kg] + [1,8496 x height
cm] - [4,6756 x age] = _______________ daily kilocalories. Kcal
minute = MET x 0.0175 x weight (kg).
Example of calculation of daily caloric expenditure. Rafael is 15
years old and weighs 60 kg. Calculate your caloric expenditure in one
day if your basal metabolic rate is 1500 kilocalories and you have a
30-minute activity running at 10 km per hour.
running at 10 km / hour = 10 x 30 minutes (metabolic rate) = 300
kilocalories burned. Burned kilocalories (300) + Basal metabolic rate
(1500) = 1800 kilocal burned in 1 day.
METs por
Walking slow: 4,5 km/h
3,3 METs
Walking fast: 6,4 km/h
5 METs
Running: 10 km/h
10 METs
Running: 12 km/h
12 METs
Running: 14 km/h
14 METs
Running: 16 km/h
16 METs
Running: 17 km/h
17 METs
Bike 100 watts
5,5 METs
Bike 200 watts
10,5 METs
Bike 300 watts
18 METs
Swimming moderate crawl
8 METs
Swimming quick crawl
11 METs
General gymnastics
5,5 METs
Intense gymnastics
8 METs
Moderate elliptical
7 METs
Dancing general
4,5 METs
6,5 METs
Colective intense sport (football, basketball)
10 METs
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